Showing posts from February, 2016
Education, Battery Safety / 19-02-2016
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Posted by Kelsey Schilling Education , Battery Safety / 19-02-2016 Vaping Battery Safety for Hybrid Devices: Direct Connection to the Battery In the news we have been hearing some scary stories of how people's mechanical vaporizers are “exploding.” The mainstream news has such a way of portraying vaping as dangerous, but their research into the story is largely irrelevant to the actual cause of something like this happening. The majority of the time when something goes wrong with a vaping device it is because the user has done something improperly. Could you imagine if the news covered someone getting into a car accident the same way they did vaping accidents? It would go something like this: “27-year old male/female crashes car into oncoming traffic. The accident occurred because the car never alerted the driver that they were heading towards oncoming traffic.” It would be completely absurd! Well, the same is true for vaping accidents, and one...
Report Attacking E-Cig Advocates Is Riddled With Factual Errors
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VAPING NEWS: Congressman Vapes in Congress in Support of E-cigarettes {February 13, 2016} by Mr. Cloud | Feb 13, 2016 | Vaping News | 0 comments Hello vaping world! This week took an interesting turn when a congressman decided to vape in congress to stress his support for e-cigarettes. Read on to find out all about it! Vaping came to Congress on Thursday Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) blew up an otherwise quiet debate on Thursday during a congressional hearing when he decided to vape during his presentation. In rather theatrical fashion, he urged his colleagues to say no to the proposal to ban e-cigarettes on airplanes. Vaping has helped me quit smoking and Norton’s amendment would make it tough for people with asthma inhalers or people inhaling “medicine of the future” through vaporizers to take their hits on a plane. He said. The committee was voting on Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton’s (D-D.C.) proposal to ban vaping...
Help Me Quit Smoking
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VAPING NEWS: E-Cigs Responsible for Rise of Successful Attempts To Quit Smoking {February 20, 2016} by Mr. Cloud | Feb 20, 2016 | Vaping News | 0 comments Hey vaping world! E-cigarettes are receiving support in England where they are believed to be helping more people quit smoking. Keep reading for this and more vaping news. E-Cigarettes Could Be Behind Sharp Rise Of Successful Attempts To Quit Smoking E-cigarettes are believed to be responsible for the sharp increase in the number of people in England who have successfully quit smoking. According to figures released by The Smoking Toolkit Survey, a service that provides information about smoking and smoking cessation in England, the success rate for people trying to quit smoking jumped from 14 percent in 2011 to 23 percent in 2016. This is a rise of nine percentage points. Prior to 2011, virtually no smokers in England were using e-cigarettes to try to quit smoking, while approximately 30 per...
Kooper Plus 200w TC - Nickel, Titanium and Stainless steel TC
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#Rambling - 40,000 Subscriber Giveaway Video - Mike Vapes
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Kamus Vaping Analog: sebutan untuk rokok tembakautradisional • Atomizer / Atty : terdiri dari koil elemen pemanas dan wick / sumbu yang berfungsi untuk memanaskan eJuice sampai pada tingkat dimana eJuice tersebut menguap dan menghasilkan uap yang terlihat seperti asap. Atomizer terdiri dariCartomizer, Clearomizer, dan RBA (rebuildable atomizer). • Batre Auto : Untuk menyalakan harus menyedot krn memakai sensor tekananudara, jarang PV user yg menyukai type ini karena biasanya tarikannya kudu stabil dan rada lama jika dibandingkan dengan batre manual. untuk type2 lama krnsensor udara cukup peka, kadang pada saat batre di taruh di dashboard mobil bisa idup sendiri krn kena AC, atau di ruangan2 seperti diskotik kadang bisanyala sendiri karena getaran dari bass. tapi beberapa kekurangan tersebuttertutupi dengan inovasi baru dibatre auto ini. • Batre Manual : Untuk menyalakan harus memakai tombol, type seperti initermasuk favorit 80% PV user lebih ...